Fun City Fire Station 歡樂小城消防局
- Clang-clang-clang! The alarm is ringing and flashing - there is a fire to put out. The sound/light effect controlled by a button (battery operated), adds more fun to this dollhouse playset and realism to play the scenarios
- 叮噹當!警報響起並閃爍-有火需要撲滅。由按鈕控制的聲音/燈光效果(電池供電)為這款玩具屋玩具套裝增添了更多樂趣,並增加了玩場景的真實感
- There's an emergency so we need to get the firefighter into the fire engine and on the move ASAP. Slide your fireman down the pole, sound the alarm bell and send your firefighter out to get those flames!
- 發生緊急情況,我們需要讓消防員盡快進入消防車並採取行動。讓你的消防員滑下桿子,敲響警鐘,然後派你的消防員出去撲滅火勢!
- The firefighter comes with bendable feet and arms. Make him fit inside the truck or the helicopter. Everything your firefighter will need to save lives is ready, an ax, helicopter, fire hydrant, flag and control board!
- 消防員配備了可彎曲的腳和手臂。讓他適合卡車或直升機。消防員拯救生命所需的一切都已準備就緒:斧頭、直升機、消防栓、旗幟和控制板!
- Pull the string, the fire engine will rush out of the garage, to the fire scene and save the day. Kids will have more hours of fun playing with this wooden toy!
- 拉動繩子,消防車就會衝出車庫,趕赴火災現場拯救世界。孩子們可以在這款木製玩具中享受更多樂趣!
- Create your own fun play scenarios with this playset. There are endless opportunities for individual and group roleplay
- 使用此玩具套裝創建您自己的有趣的遊戲場景。個人和團體角色扮演有無限的機會
- Size: 60 x 30 x 48 cm
- 尺寸: 60 x 30 x 48 cm
- Some assembly is required
- 需要少量組裝
- Age: 3 Years+
- 年齡:3歲+
Membership Details 會員詳情
- Before renting a toy, a refundable yearly membership deposit of HKD 1000 is required for enrollment
- 在租用玩具之前,您必須成為我們的會員並支付港幣 1000 元的可退還會員年費
- The membership deposit will be charged along with the selected toys in your rental cart during your initial rental
- 首次租用玩具期間,年費將與您所選的玩具一起收取
- You will see the total amount, including the membership fee, at the checkout for your first-time rental
- 您將在首次租用結帳時看到總金額,包括會員年費
- Upon completion of one year, if a member decides to terminate the membership, the entire deposit amount will be refunded
- 如果您決定一年後終止會員,年費將全額退還
- More information please visit our page - Our Membership
- 更多資訊請訪問我們的頁面 - 成為會員
Delivery Details 送貨詳情
- Each price on the toy included a one-month rental
- 每個玩具的價格已包含一個月的租金
- Delivery fee calculated at check out has already included the cost of delivering the toys to your home and return fee to our hub
- 結帳計算的運費已包括將玩具運送到您家的費用和退回我們中心的費用
- Upon your rental confirmation, we will notify you and schedule a convenient timeslot for toy delivery to your home
- 在租借確認後,我們將通知您並安排一個方便的時間段將玩具運送到您家
- We will send timely reminders to you about the approaching return dates for the toys
- 臨近玩具歸還的時間,我們會給您發送歸還提醒
- Our logistic team will collect the toys at the agreed time and inspect them for any damages to ensure they are in good condition for the next swap
- 我們的團隊將在約定的時間收集玩具並檢查是否有任何損壞,以確保它們狀況良好,以便下次交換
- Once the inspection is completed, a notification will be sent to the parent to confirm the safe receipt of the toys
- 檢查完成後,將向您發送通知,確認玩具已安全收到
- In the event of a missed delivery, return, or swap appointment, a HK$100 per day administrative fee will be charged
- 如果錯過了送貨、歸還或交換的預約時間,將收取每天港幣$100元的行政費用
- Also in the event that the returned toys are damaged or with missing parts which is no longer suitable for swapping, the repair cost will be deducted from the membership deposit. The amount deducted will be based on the value of the toy and the extent of damage or missing parts
- 如果退回的玩具損壞或缺少零件且不再適合交換,維修費用將從您的會員年費中扣除。扣除的金額將根據玩具的價值以及損壞或缺失零件的程度而定
- More information please visit our page - Rental Policies
- 更多資訊請造訪我們的頁面 - 租用條款細則